AWR-383 Cybersecurity Risk Awareness for Officials and Senior Management - Apr 2025 EMC/NACC

Full Description
The Cybersecurity Awareness for Officials and Senior Management course is designed to develop an awareness of cybersecurity risks so that elected officials, appointed officials, and other senior managers are better informed to properly protect the jurisdiction/organization during a cybersecurity incident. This is a non-technical course meant to help officials and senior management work more effectively with their Information Technology (IT) departments to mitigate cyber threats. The training is tailored to government, critical infrastructure, and private sector personnel who have the responsibility for directing and developing policy within their organization.

Course Objectives
Participants will be able to explain the basic concepts involved in cyber threats and attacks.
Participants will be able to describe how their jurisdiction/organization is at risk for a cyber attack and understand the impacts an incident could produce.
Participants will be able to formulate strategic actions the jurisdiction/organization can implement to better protect against, respond to, and recover from a cyber incident.
Training Dates
04/15/2025 - 04/15/2025
4h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
William A Egan Civic & Convention Center
555 W 5th Ave
Anchorage, AK  99501
Reporting Instructions
This class is one of the two tracks offered during the 2025 Emergency Management Conference.

Michelle Torres
Signup Details
Register at:

Registering for the class in Whova is also required. Contact Michelle Torres for details.

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