AWR-232 Mass Fatalities Planning and Response for Rural Communities - Apr 2025 EMC/NACC

Brief Description
Mass Fatalities Planning and Response for Rural Communities
Full Description
This awareness-level course will teach rural and tribal participants the basics of mass fatality response while providing them with opportunities to exchange rural and tribal perceptions and brainstorm solutions to simulated emergencies. In the course of six modules, delivered over an eight-hour period, participants will learn how to identify critical resources necessary for identified functions, develop strategies for responding to unique challenges of mass fatalities incidents, implement forums for partnerships with key community, regional, state, and federal stakeholders for effective response and community recovery, and identify the components that comprise a comprehensive community-wide mass fatalities incident response plan. Upon completion of this instructor-led course, participants will benefit from an increased awareness of morgue operations and human remains recovery operations, and an enhanced ability to plan for the unique challenges of mass fatality incidents in rural and tribal communities

Course Objectives
Assist local authorities in response to mass fatality events, and assist in the development of a mass fatality response plan
Identify the significant difference in the death-care process following a mass fatality event from that of the normal, daily process and list possible mass fatality scenarios that may affect their communities.
Review stakeholders' responsibilities in a mass fatality response, examine federal resources available following a mass fatality event, and identify methods of obtaining federal resources
Identify the roles recovery operations play in the identification process, the procedures for properly, safely, and respectfully recovering and documenting deceased human remains and associated personal effects, and the staff and equipment needed.
Describe temporary morgue operations during a mass fatality response, the skill sets needed to work at various stations found in the temporary morgue, the interaction between the morgue and family assistance operations, and the role recovery operations play in the overall identification process. describe the Family Assistance Center's (FAC) role in the identification process; the components, staffing needs, and support services needed to facilitate FAC operations; and describe Family Assistance Center constructs.
Training Dates
04/16/2025 - 04/16/2025
8h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
William A Egan Civic & Convention Center
555 W 5th Ave
Anchorage, AK  99501
Reporting Instructions
This class is one of the two tracks offered during the 2025 Emergency Management Conference.

Michelle Torres
Signup Details
Register at:

Registering for the class in Whova is also required. Contact Michelle Torres for details.

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